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We move on to another site DEXStudios
№1 by OpenBiSea Studios
MotoDEX is a Blockchain Game, in which users participate in motorcycle races, develop their riders and improve high-speed tracks.
№2 by OpenBiSea Studios
dexGO is a game created for healthy lifestyle growth, traveling and earning. It's easy: put on NFT sneakers and go on a journey through the routes of your own city, get money for this.
OBS Token and OpenBiSea Functionality
OBS token issues for all OpenBiSea platform players who will use the app and invest in OpenBiSea. 90% of issued tokens are placed on smart contract account. Each deal sides can claim part of community OBS tokens to their wallets. This is a way, how platform tokens distributed from project to key people, who create main value of OpenBiSea - active buyers and sellers.
You can use OBS for:
After we will pass a high revenue, each auction creator will require a minimal 1 OBS balance on the wallet to create an NFT auction. This is a way to add value for early platform customers and create more value for all OBS holders
Competition Landscape
On a chart, you can see a closest competitor's analysis chart.
Our team also find on binance smart chain:
On Ethereum gaming marketplaces:
On Ethereum gaming marketplaces:
Most of them have similar issues - difficulty and non-transparency. A key buyers and sellers create a billion dollar valuation for competitors, but never receive a benefits from that hard work.In additional, competitors don't allow to sell own NFT, or NFT purchased from other platforms. They don't care about liquidity for purchased NFT.
For Ethereum based projects also a fees issue like $50 per transaction freezes any second market for cheap NFTs, which is 99% of existed supply.
NFT Academy
Albina Yaloza
Peter Boyko
Stepan Ryabchenko
Andrew Babchinskiy
Irina Berezko
Contracts OpenBiSea
Blockchain assets and activities are indexed using a unique ID address as well as smart contracts. To search for a smart contract, we need the unique ID or address of the smart contract.
CoinMarketCap is the world's most-referenced price-tracking website for cryptoassets in the rapidly growing cryptocurrency space. Its mission is to make crypto discoverable and efficient globally by empowering retail users with unbiased, high quality and accurate information for drawing their own informed conclusions.
Polars is a decentralized multi-chain platform that allows users to predict the results of events in the outside world and make money.The platform provides earning opportunities for different types of users: POL token holders, advanced users, platform players who make predictions, liquidity providers, arbitrageurs, and traders.
CoinWind is dedicated to building a DeFi crypto asset bank that offers products of high yield and high security. By gathering different tokens deposited into different pools, and then strategically mobilizing funds from a certain token pool to participate in different liquidity mining, CoinWind products will effectively reduce impermanent losses prevalent in liquidity mining.
Polygon is a protocol and a framework for building and connecting Ethereum-compatible blockchain networksPolygon Vision: "We envision an open, borderless world. A world in which people and machines collaborate and exchange value globally and freely, without gatekeepers or intermediaries. A world in which communities thrive, unconstrained by artificial borders and archaic regulations."
POLYDeFi is a transparent next generation tiered IFO launchpad running on the Polygon chain. IFO stands for Initial Fund Offering. POLYDeFi is a project that strives to decentralize the way in which new projects coming to the Polygon network raise funds.With POLYDeFi, new DeFi projects will be able to raise funds cheap and fast.
SafePal is dedicated to providing a secure and user-friendly crypto management platform for the masses to secure and grow their crypto assets safely and conveniently. It is the first hardware wallet invested and backed by Binance.SafePal is now serving more than 3,000,000+ users from more than 196 countries.
Metis is building an easy-to-use, highly scalable, low-cost, and fully functional Layer 2 framework (Metis Rollup) to fully support the application and business migration from Web 2.0 to Web 3.0. Its scalable protocol supports a wide range of use cases, including yield farming, DEX trading, and powering the gig economy via dApps that offer cheap and fast micropayments.
Chainlink is the industry standard oracle network for powering hybrid smart contracts. Chainlink Decentralized Oracle Networks provide developers with the largest collection of high-quality data sources and secure off-chain computations to expand the capabilities of smart contracts on any blockchain.
The School of visual communication within the framework of Natalia Sinepupova's author's experimental program "Digital Collage: Chaos Research" is starting cooperation with Openbisea NFT Marketplace.During the research, the participants of the program create their own projects - a series of Motion ARTand will be availiable for NFT ART Exchibition&Auction on OpenBiSea.
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